
Top 7 Reasons Drains Back Up and How to Fix Them: A Guide to Clearing Your Pipes

Top 7 Reasons Drains Back Up and How to Fix Them: A Guide to Clearing Your Pipes

Image of a dirty backed-up sink.

As homeowners, we don’t always think about the drains in our homes until they start to back up. Suddenly, we find ourselves dealing with unpleasant odors, slow-draining water, and sometimes even standing water. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons drains back up and offer solutions to fix them.

Clogged pipes

One of the most common reasons for a backed-up drain is a clogged pipe. Over time, debris such as hair, soap scum, and food particles can accumulate in your pipes, causing a blockage. To fix a clogged pipe, you can use a plunger or a drain snake. If these methods don’t work, read our article on the TOP 5 Ways to Clean a Clogged Drain. You may need to call a professional plumber to help clear the blockage. Get a quote, here.

Tree roots

Tree roots can grow into your pipes, causing blockages and even damaging the pipes. If you have trees growing near your sewer line, it’s essential to keep an eye on your drains for any signs of backup. If you suspect that tree roots are the cause of your drain issues, you’ll need to call a professional plumber to assess the situation and determine the best course of action. Hydro-jetting is a popular solution provided by Premium Rooter Plumbing Services to remove tree roots. In some cases, the pipes may need to be replaced.

Illustration of hydro jetting service. Premium Rooter Plumbing offers this service.

Grease buildup

If you pour grease down your drains, it can solidify and cause blockages. Over time, the grease can build up and cause your drains to back up. To prevent grease buildup, never pour grease down your drains. Instead, pour it into a container and dispose of it in the trash.

Flushing non-flushable items

Flushing non-flushable items down the toilet is another common cause of drain backups. Items such as baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, and paper towels can clog your pipes and cause your toilet to back up. To prevent this issue, only flush toilet paper and human waste down your toilet.

Old pipes

If your home has old pipes, they may be more prone to clogs and backups. Old pipes can corrode and break down over time, causing blockages and leaks. If you suspect that your pipes are old, it’s a good idea to have them inspected by a professional plumber. They can assess the condition of your pipes and determine if any repairs or replacements are necessary.

Poorly designed plumbing

If your plumbing system is poorly designed, it can lead to drainage issues. For example, if your pipes are too small, they may not be able to handle the volume of water and waste flowing through them. This can cause blockages and backups. To fix this issue, you’ll need to have your plumbing system re-designed and installed by a professional plumber.

Sewer line problems

If your home’s sewer line is damaged or clogged, it can cause backups in your drains. Sewer line problems can be caused by tree roots, old age, or a buildup of debris. To fix this issue, you’ll need to have your sewer line inspected by a professional plumber. They can determine the cause of the problem and recommend the best course of action.

Illustration of common causes of sewer line problems.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why drains can back up, and it’s essential to address these issues as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your plumbing system. By being mindful of what you pour down your drains, monitoring your drains for any signs of backup, and contacting a professional plumber when necessary, you can keep your plumbing system functioning properly and avoid costly repairs. Contact Premium Rooter Plumbing Service for all your residential and commercial plumbing needs. We are ready to identify the issues backing up your plumbing and will offer a fair price to take care of the issue for good!

(Disclaimer: Premium Rooter Plumbing Services takes no responsibility for any and all damages or injuries to persons or property resulting from following the steps in this article. For professional installations, contact Premium Rooter Plumbing Services.)

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